Design and Implementation Methodology


By Requirement Analysis we put forward the right questions to understand the user’s needs and establish what the user database requirement is, before spending into unwanted or unnecessary features. This way we make sure the processes we outline correctly map to database functionality your users need.


Once a high-level specification for what your database is delivered, the next step is to Design and Architect the Systems. Design is one of the most important aspect of the system, and a poor design can cripple even the best analyzed system and hence you must ensure that the design is correct prior to the implementation.


We then develop a schema for the Database as well as an architecture of how the systems will look. A Schema is a blueprint for Database development, and we help our clients avoid redoing the same work preventing wastage of resources.


A good Database apart from good schema also requires an optimized architecture of your hardware for maximum results. We choose the right hardware and tune it to deliver maximum performance.

Up Gradation Methodology

Distributed Business Solutions offers Database upgrade services from an existing version in the production environment to a higher version. We perform the following methodology to upgrade the production database:

Review – a review of database and operating system software/hardware constraints

Audit – a detailed look at customer’s database installation

Backup – perform full, cold backup of the existing database

Pre-Upgrade – install any required operating system updates and packages

Upgrade – perform database upgrade

Report – provide post-upgrade Analysis, configure and tune upgraded database