Virtualization Solutions

Virtualization is the creation of a virtual (rather than actual) version of something, such as an operating system, a server, a storage device or network resources. Virtualization is the single most effective way to reduce IT expenses while boosting the efficiency and agility. It let’s run Multiple Operating Systems and application on a single server, consolidate the hardware to get higher productivity from few servers.

Key Benefits:

Reduce Capital and operating costs.

Faster, easier application & resource provisioning.

Deliver high application availability & Improve Business Continuity.

Increase IT Productivity & Improve responsiveness.


Server Virtualization/Consolidation enables a more cost-effective, agile, simplified server environment

Network Virtualization enables rapid provisioning, non-disruptive deployment, automated maintenance, and support for legacy and new applications

Desktop Virtualization enables rapid response to changing needs and opportunities, providing virtualized desktops to remote and offshore employees as well as to those using tablet systems

Application Virtualization simplifies infrastructure, maximizes efficiency, and cuts costly over-provisioning

Storage Virtualization enables modern businesses to manage huge data volumes through use of high-performance storage pools.

The Major Virtualization Technologies available in market are VMware (vCloud, vSphere, center), Citrix (XenServer, XenApp) & Oracle (Oracle VM for x86 & SPARC).

Distributed Business Solutions Virtualization implementation experts can help develop a customized virtualization strategy that delivers powerful performance and business results for your company.